
The website configuration is set in custom/config.php. Connections to databases,  setting root URLs and public folder, and loading the CMS plugin are all set within this file. Usually it's all setup during the installation process, so you're only going to need to edit this file if you're changing something.

Here are the configuration options:

These options apply to the underlying micro-framework SeePHP, which SeeCMS is built on.

$see->version = [VERSION];
This is the current SeePHP version the site is running, you shouldn't need to update this.

$see->AESKey = '[AESKEY]';
This is the key used for AES encryption. It's automatically set during installation, if you need to change this you'll need manually decrypt any data encrypt it again with the new key.

$see->siteID = '[SITEID]';
This is automatically set during installation, it's a randomly generated identifier for this site.

$see->siteTitle = '[SITETITLE]';
The title of the website, by default it's used in the HTML title.

$see->theme = '[THEME]';
The name of the theme you're currently using. We don't currently support hot swapping of themes. It's on the roadmap though.

$see->setRootURL( '[ROOTURL]' );
If you're site is running at the root of your domain this will be / otherwise it will be the relative path the public root folder.

$see->publicFolder = '[PUBLICFOLDER]';
By default SeeCMS uses a public root folder of 'public', if your public root folder is something else, set it here.

These configuration options apply directly to SeeCMS

$seecmsConfig['cmsRoot'] = '[CMSROOT]';
The relative address to the CMS. If you use something random (as it does by default) you'll likely get less access attempts.

$seecmsConfig['DBHost'] = '[DBHOST]';
$seecmsConfig['DBName'] = '[DBNAME]';
$seecmsConfig['DBUsername'] = '[DBUSERNAME]';
$seecmsConfig['DBPassword'] = '[DBPASSWORD]';
MySQL connection details.

$seecmsConfig['supportMessage'] = '[CMSSUPPORTMESSAGE]';
The message that appears in the CMS support panel. Tell the CMS users who to contact if they need help.